Here are the precautions the South Land Remodeling team is taking to help protect your home from COVID-19 during a renovation.

With growing concern and uncertainty around coronavirus, the health and safety of our clients and workers are of upmost importance. That’s why we at South Land Remodeling are taking extra health precautions as we continue construction on homes in Los Angeles.
To help ease your concerns during L.A.’s Shelter in Place order, we wanted to share with you all the ways we’re actively working to keep COVID-19 out of our job sites.
Here’s how South Land Remodeling is protecting you and our workers during this time.
Avoiding/Reducing Contact Between Homeowners & Workers
In compliance with state and federal orders and recommendations, we are hyper-focused on minimizing or eliminating the need for individuals to work in close quarters. As much as possible, we maintain a minimum of 6 feet from each other and homeowners.
Increased Sanitizing & Handwashing
Our workers are equipped with hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and hand soap to keep the job site as sanitary as possible.
Ensuring There are No Sick Workers Onsite
Our project managers and general contractors are diligent in checking on the health and well-being of our crew. Should anyone feel unwell in any way, they are being instructed to stay home and get well.
Providing Workers Separate Access
If the home’s functionality allows, our workers use side gates or other separate access points to enter to the job site. This avoids them coming into unnecessary contact with homeowners.
Ordering Portable Toilets
A portable toilet helps avoid the spread of COVID-19 by eliminating the need for workers to use your bathroom.
Isolating the Job Site
We use durable plastic tarps and industrial tape to block off the work area, whether that’s a kitchen, bathroom or main living space. This not only prevents the spread of any germs but also dust and debris.
Conducting More Telephone & Video Meetings
We are doing more phone calls and video conferencing with our homeowners to avoid contact and continue the remodel’s progress.
Shopping Online for Supplies
Instead of shopping in-store for materials and supplies, both our team and homeowners are being instructed to purchase items online to avoid coming into contact with the general public.
Through and through, we want to emphasize to all our current and our future clients that your safety and well-being remain our #1 priority.
To discuss your construction project in more detail, please contact the South Land Remodeling team any time.