When we think of an energy-efficient kitchen, we typically look to appliances with that trusty Energy Star badge. Switching out power-sucking appliances saves a lot of energy and money on electricity bills, but there are also easy, cost-effective ways to further downsize your kitchen’s eco-footprint.
After all, a whopping 35% of energy is wasted by the average home, according to Connect4Climate. Shrinking that percentage – whether you’re doing a kitchen remodel or not – will not only please Mother Nature, it’ll keep your hard-earned cash from swirling down the drain. Making small green changes can make a huge difference, so here are our top three energy-saving tips.
Water Faucets
A standard-flow kitchen faucet will dispense 2.2 gallons per minute. WaterSense-labeled faucets and accessories can reduce water flow by 30% or more, without sacrificing performance. These low-flow options are available in tons of styles and finishes, and while they cost a little more money than standard options, they’ll save water and the cost of heating that water.
Light Bulbs
Lighting is the third-largest energy user in the house, so swapping out bulbs for energy-efficient ones will benefit your home’s utility bill by reducing the amount of electricity being used. Energy.gov advises that “replacing your home's five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the Energy Star you can save $45 each year.” These bulbs – available as LEDs, CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) and halogen incandescents – not only save money and avoid wasting energy but also provide the same amount of light. So, they’re a no-brainer.
Waste Management
Did you know that 94% of the food we throw out – some 38 million tons – ends up in landfills? This nosh-pileup creates needless carbon emissions and reduces resources for generations to come. Being careful how about much food we buy, how we efficiently cooking the food, how we store it and what we’re throwing away are all smart ways to reduce and reuse. Another excellent option is composting. At first, this technique can be a daunting (and unsavory) but consider this: You can compost in a composting bin inside your home, without drawing pests and creating an odor. But then what? Use it in your garden or dispose of it via your local compost service, who will put it to good use.
Miscellaneous Energy Efficiency Tips for Cutting Energy Bills
Keep the oven door closed. As hard as it may be, avoid peeking at food and letting all that heat escape, which also increases the cooking time.
On that same note, keep lids on pots and pans when letting food simmer or come to a boil.
Avoid leaving the refrigerator door open. Instead, quickly grab what you need and avoid that habit of peering in the fridge deciding what to eat.
Instead of having the dishwasher dry dishes with a decent amount of energy, let them air dry by propping the door open overnight.
P.S. With our signature 5-star customer service, we do kitchen remodels across the greater Los Angeles area. Contact us today if you're looking to renovate your kitchen.